Feminine Vitality

Radiate confidence by supporting your hormones, living in harmony with your menstrual cycle & having periods that don't disrupt your entire life!
Uncovering Female Power

You Deserve to Feel More Like YOU

Are you ready to live more of your life each month without being stuck on the couch for a couple days with a heating pad in misery due to your period?

Or feeling like your personality has been taken over by a hormone monster?

Learn all you SHOULD have been taught about how to support your periods & hormones so you can regain balance!

Wouldn't it feel incredible to be empowered in your body, with clarity on how to take care and support this natural side of you?

With more energy, less burnout, and cycles that don't knock you out for days?

Get your spark back with ✨Feminine Vitality✨

Have you ever thought "I guess these painful periods are just what I have to deal with"

I thought that too (probs because every doctor for 13 years told me the same as they gave me hormonal birth control) until I got fed up with the only solution being hormonal birth control.

I spent years studying all the things related to periods, hormones, nutrition and natural healing and put it all in one space so you can transform your periods like myself, and all my clients have!

Feel like you're alone?

With woman from all over the world going from confused, frustrated and completely at a loss around their hormonal health- to established clarity, direction & confidence in their health + body

Feminine Vitality is here to help support YOU with a community of women to cheer you on!

Real Results...

Erika is an entrepreneur and Mom who went from energy crashes and cycles that were leaving her unable to show up the way she wanted for her business and family to sustainable energy all month long without that dreaded feeling of burnout around her cycles!

Your Periods Shouldn't Suck

... and if they do, that's a red flag.

Contrary to popular belief, your periods shouldn't leave you in absolute dread, burnout, and pain each month.

And they absolutely should not come with a warning label to those closest to you that your period is coming so they better watch out for a sharp tongue & sass.

These symptoms are all indicators that something under the surface is out of balance and your body is trying to get your attention that it needs help fixing this through these symptoms each month.

The key is learn about what these root systems are, finding the patterns specific to your body, establishing clarity as to why these symptoms are manifesting, and having the guidance around how to address it for long term results.

In Feminine Vitality I lay it all out there for you so you can get results like all these incredible women...

How It Works:

  • 5 weeks of 6 value packed modules with audio recordings and visuals covering topics such as: hormones, stress, the menstrual cycle, birth control, fertility, pregnancy & perimenopause

  • A detailed blueprint to begin balancing your hormones and healing your cycles

  • Clarity on nutrition, fitness programming, and supplements for lasting results

  • Tips on additional testing, how to find the right doctor, and what blood work to ask for

  • Resources such as, scientific studies, book recommendations, and podcasts for those that data (plus a free copy of Shannon's book "Energy From Within!"

  • Lifetime access to the material so you can refer back when you need it

  • A private FB group to see that you are not alone!

The ability to sign up for 2 1:1 sessions for a comprehensive assessment review and personalized recommendations with supplement protocols (space is limited)

Let's get you feeling more like you...

The Curriculum:

  Before You Dive In...
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: Hormones overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Stress and Hormones
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Understanding Your Cycle
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Hormonal Birth Control
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Healing your Hormones
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: Long term results
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option

Real Results...

Meet Shannon Dolan...

Hey! I'm Shannon! Your cheerleader and guide here to help you deeply connect with your body and harness all the power of your innate wisdom!

Supporting women is my jam. I'm obsessed with empowering women with the knowledge of their body because I know hard it can be to struggle with your periods, your gut health, and your overall body image.

That lack of confidence and clarity around your health manifests into different issues in various areas of your life... all rooted in being at war with yourself.

When you're able to understand your body's language, provide it with what it needs, and live more in harmony with your natural flow- magic happens & I love being able to see that in the hundreds of clients I've served.

Credentials: I'm the girl that was voted Best Nutritionist in Austin, TX... the Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Nutrition Graduate, Certified Health Coach, Fitness Nutrition Specialist and Herbalist with a sh*t ton of other credentials & a decade of experience in the health world here to help support you in your journey!

I can't wait to see you inside Feminine Vitality!!

Rooting for you, ALWAYS!

Shannon Dolan

Once you enroll you will be added to a private FB group that fosters community and empowerment.

This course is self paced with lifetime access!